
Building Openembedded from scratch

The primary build instructions for building openembedded for the Overo processor can be found on the gumstix.org web site here:


Fedora 14 Specific Fixes

Follow the instructions at the above link.  However, there are several places where the standard openembedded build breaks.  Here are the Fedora 14 specific problems I encountered with specific fixes and work arounds.  This is a moving target so if you run into new issues, feel free to let me know and I’ll update this page.  In all these cases I found solutions by googling, so if you have encountered something not mentioned here, google is your friend!


Error in module-init-tools:

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lc


yum install glibc-static (on the host system)

patch: **** rejecting target file name with “..” component

Error in patch (occurs in many places):

patch: **** rejecting target file name with “..” component: ../generic/tclStrToD.c


As of 17th March 2011 if you have patch-2.6.1.-8.fc14 installed you may need to downgrade to an older version if you are getting patch errors during your build. To downgrade:

# yum downgrade patch

Note: pending a better solution, this will get you by … (as of April 12)

docbook build error …


docbook.org changed the link to their source file


$ cp ${base}/org.openembedded.dev/recipes/docbook-sgml-dtd/docbook-sgml-dtd-native.inc{,.orig}

$ edit ${base}/org.openembedded.dev/recipes/docbook-sgml-dtd/docbook-sgml-dtd-native.inc

Add the following two lines:

SRC_URI = “http://www.docbook.org/sgml/${DTD_VERSION}/docbook-${DTD_VERSION}.zip”

S = “${WORKDIR}”

And delete the following line.

SRC_URI = “http://www.docbook.org/sgml/${DTD_VERSION}/docbook-${DTD_VERSION}.zip;subdir=${BPN}-${PV}”

Finish building the main images with

$ bitbake omap3-console-image

Building MLO-overo

After the omap3-console-image is finished there is still one missing piece: “MLO-overo”.  To build this, run:

$ bitbake x-load

All the generated images will be found in:


Uploading your new images to the Overo

  1. Follow these instructions to Create a bootable microSD card article.
  2. Follow the instructions here to copy the images to your SD card and then to the Overo flash:  http://www.gumstix.org/how-to/70-writing-images-to-flash.html

Stay tuned … 🙂